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High Myopia Symptoms Type Causes & Treatment

High Myopia Ayurvedic Treatment

What is High Myopia (High Myopia)?

The degree of nearsightedness that is considered high myopia (also known as pathological or severe myopia) is unusually high. High myopia is characterized by an eyeball protruding too far in front of the retina, instead of directly on top of it. This causes light to enter and focus directly in front of the retina. Distance vision can be blurred while near vision remains clear.

Myopia high is defined as refractive error exceeding -6.00 diopters. However, the severity of myopia can vary from person to person, with some individuals experiencing refractive error greater than -8.00 and even exceeding -10.00. The condition usually appears during childhood or adolescence, and it progresses slowly over time.

What are the symptoms high myopia?

Severe myopia is characterized by a high degree of nearsightedness. Common symptoms of high myopia include:

Near vision can still be clear if objects at a distance are blurred or out of focus.

High myopia can make it difficult to see objects at a distance, such as whiteboards, street signs and faces.

Squinting and Eye Strain: People with high myopia strain their eyes to focus on distant objects. They may squint to try to improve their vision.

* Eye Fatigue: Long-term visual tasks, such as reading and using the computer, can cause discomfort to those with high myopia.

* Poor distance sight can lead to headaches, especially when performing activities that require visual concentration. This is because the eyes are strained.

* Night Vision Problems: Myopia can cause impaired night vision.

* An Increased Sensitivity To Glare: People with high myopia are more sensitive to bright light and glare. This can lead to discomfort and vision problems.

* Holding objects close or squinting: People with high myopia may compensate unconsciously for blurred distance vision, by holding objects nearer to their faces or squinting.

It is important to remember that these symptoms can also be indicative of other eye problems. To receive an accurate diagnosis, it is essential to consult an eye care professional to perform a thorough eye examination and diagnose. Individuals with high myopia should have regular eye examinations to monitor their health and detect potential complications such as retinal detachment, or macular degeneration.

High Myopia Symptoms Type Causes & Treatment

What causes high myopia?

It is not known what causes high myopia. This condition is also called severe or pathological. Several factors have been identified that may contribute to the development of high myopia.

The causes are:

* Genetic Factors - There is a genetic component in myopia and high myopia. People with a history of high myopia are more prone to it. Myopia is thought to be influenced by multiple genes.

* Environmental Factors. Environmental factors such as prolonged close work activities (such reading, writing or using electronic devices), and lack of outdoor activity have been linked to an increased risk of developing myopia, including high myopia. Spending too much time doing close-up work and not enough exposure to sunlight can lead to an elongation in the eyeball.

* Structural Abnormalities in the Eye: Individuals with high myopia have an eyeball that is longer than normal. This causes light rays to focus on the retina rather than directly on the retina. A structural abnormality of the lens or cornea may also lead to high myopia.

* Imbalance of Growth of Eye Components - The growth and development process of the eye is complex, requiring a delicate balance. There may be an imbalance of growth in certain eye components such as the sclera, the white outer layer of your eye, the choroid, the vascular layer below the retina and the retina. This can lead to excessive eyeball elongation.

* Hormonal and systemic Factors. Some studies indicate that hormonal and systems factors, including changes during puberty and hormonal imbalances, can influence the development high myopia. Further research is required to establish the link.

While these factors may contribute to high myopia development, it is important to remember that the condition will likely be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Individual variations and interactions among these factors can also influence high myopia. To fully understand high myopia, its causes and the complex interactions between various factors, more research is required.


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