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Choroidal Degeneration: Understanding Causes, Symptoms and Care


Learn about choroidal degeneration, which affects the choroid, the main layer beneath the retina. This page aims to provide information about the causes of choroidal degeneration, symptoms and care strategies. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the impact of choroidal degeneration on eye health.


What is Choroidal Degeneration?

First let’s understand the meaning of choroidal degeneration. The role of the choroid in maintaining the health of the retina is very important. It is also important in maintaining clear vision. Choroidal degeneration is a progressive condition characterized by deterioration of the choroid, the vascular layer critical to nourishing the retina.


Causes of choroidal degeneration:

Many causes are listed for choroidal degeneration, ranging from ‘age-related factors to genetic predisposition’. Below is a list of some of these factors underlying the gradual degeneration of the choroid that affects overall eye health.


1. Age-related macular degeneration. That is, age-related choroidal degeneration also occurs in older adults.


2. People with myopic eye problems are also at risk of developing choroidal degeneration.


3. Genetic factors can also cause choroidal degeneration in some individuals. That means genetic predisposition is also listed as a major cause.


4. Certain infections affecting the eye can also cause choroidal degeneration.


5. Deficiency of essential nutrients required for eye health can also lead to choroidal degeneration


6. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light or other environmental factors may play a role.


7. Health conditions such as diabetes can also affect choroidal health.


Common symptoms:

1. Visual distortion can cause straight lines to appear wavy or distorted.


2. Blurry or loss of central vision is also a symptom. That is, activities such as reading or recognizing faces can be affected.


3. Difficulty identifying colors or changes in color perception.


4. Difficult to see objects clearly in low-light conditions.


5. Dark or blank spots appear.


6. Difficulty recognizing faces.


7. Distorted or altered perception of the size and shape of objects.



Diagnosis and Eye Tests:


At Vedicme we are using modern ophthalmic equipment to get accurate results instead of old methods to test for Choroidal Degeneration. Many Ayurvedic hospitals still follow traditional methods. But only Vedicmed joins the list of top ayurvedic hospitals keeping in mind the patient’s health and using advanced technology for more accurate results. This modern technology helps to gain more detailed insight into eye health and provide appropriate treatment.



Management and Treatment Options:

The treatment of choroidal degeneration at Vedicmed focuses not only on balancing defects, but also on promoting overall eye health. The medicines in Vedicmed aim not only to relieve the symptoms but also to slow down the progression of the disease. Some of the common treatments used at our Vedicmed are :-


1. Dietary Recommendations:

Vedicmed’s doctors may prescribe a diet rich in foods that support eye health, including fruits, vegetables and specific herbs.


2. Herbal Medicines:

Vedicmed recommends Ayurvedic formulations containing herbs such as triphala, amla (Indian gooseberry), and ginkgo biloba to promote eye health.


3. Netra Tarpana (Nourishment of Eyes):

Nethra Tarpana Therapy aimed at nourishing and rejuvenating the eyes will be offered at Vedicmed.


4. Anjana (eye application):

Medicated eye drops or ointments are given for external application to improve eye health.


5. Panchakarma Treatments:

Panchakarma treatment will be given to remove toxins and balance doshas.


6. Lifestyle Recommendations:

Vedicmed can advise on lifestyle habits including getting enough sleep, reducing eye strain and maintaining a regular routine.


7. Yoga and Pranayama:

Certain yoga postures and breathing exercises are beneficial for eye health. Thus, Vedicmed may suggest doing yoga and pranayama.





Vedicmed has shared with you lots of information about Choroidal Degeneration and its management and treatment. However, it is suggested to visit Vedicmed to take informed decisions about eye health and get personal guidance from a professional for proper care.





This information is intended for general understanding and educational purposes only. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific situation.



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